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Ebooks & Whitepapers

IT is a fast moving industry, products and best practices are constantly changing. We hope these documents to help you gain a better understanding of these changes. 


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Google My Business,
Google My Business - New Categories 2020

Google My Business - has released their new category list, download the complete spreadsheet to see which categories are best for your company.

Understanding GDPR

GDPR is an internet privacy law that affects anyone doing business with the European Union

Disaster Guide, , DaaS
Disaster Preparedness Guide

Be prepared in case of disaster. Internal or External threats and planning

VoIP Phone Systems
Cloud Based VoIP Phone Systems

The many advantages of cloud based phone system and how they can help your company.

Windows 10, Tips & Tricks
Windows 10 Tips & Tricks

10 Super-Quick Tricks, Windows 10 Updates & Shortcuts

Ransomware Attack
Surviving a Ransomware Attack

Delivery of Ransomware is getting sneakier and more costly

Cybersecurity, Aveir
Understanding Cybersecurity

Preventing Cyber Attacks Must Be Your Top Priority, 11 tips to get you started.

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