IT Solutions | Security | HIPAA
Backup & Business Continuity
We all know that backups are important, but did you know that 60% of businesses that lose their data for more than 10 days don’t survive? We believe the method that you choose for your company’s backup is just as important as backing up your data in the first place. Our recommended backup plans address common and uncommon problems, such as accidental deletion, hardware failures, viruses – especially ransom-ware, and the highly unlikely fire, earthquake and other natural disasters.
Would you like us to review your current backup plan?
Your backup plan needs to include the following:
• Shadow Copy
• Restore points on workstations and laptops
• Virtualized servers
• A local backup server to hold backups for quick restore times
• A HIPAA, PCI, SOX compliant cloud backup
• Fixed monthly fees per device with unlimited data amounts.
• A provider that gets alerts if backups fail and regularly tests random files for recoverability.
• Insurance policy for data lose
• Backup devices that allow you to spin them up instantaneously in case of failure or disaster, these can be local or cloud based