IT Solutions | Security | HIPAA
Phone & Internet Audit
Have you reviewed your voice and data plans recently?
Service Description
With increased usage of emails, texting, and mobile phones, traditional business phone usage is down and internet usage is up, way up. You probably have more phone lines that you need and have faster internet available to you for less than you think. You should review your plans every couple years to make sure you have the best plans available for your business. Call us or send us an email to support@aveir.com along with copies of your current, internet and phone bills and we’ll perform a comprehensive analysis of your local, long distance, data, internet services. Then we’ll search for alternative carrier solutions and outline savings opportunities, eliminate unnecessary services and charges and implement rate reductions while improving your data speeds if possible.

Contact Details
+ 775 329.2400
1400 South Virginia Street, Reno, NV, USA Suite B